2024: HOME Phase 2, ETOD, & Compatibility

What’s to Come: A foundation for a better Austin

In 2024, the HOME Initiative continues with additional changes to land development codes to address Austin’s affordable housing crisis. These changes will be coming as part of a larger “transit-oriented” package to create a build a future for Austin that is better connected and more affordable for all Austin residents.

Austin City Council will vote on May 16, 2024, on measures to create more housing near transit & city-wide. We need to hear from you. Below, learn more about the ways to engage.

Key Resources

HOME & ETOD Info Sheet

In-depth information & clarifications on land development code changes to increase opportunities for housing, reduced displacement and Project Connect’s rail line initiatives that will be considered by the Austin City Council in May.


Condensed overview on upcoming proposed changes by HOME & ETOD that will empowers homeowners, homebuyers, & renters while protecting Austin’s natural environment; includes how to get involved and share your voice before the upcoming City Council vote in May. Freely available to print and share.

HOME & ETOD Newsletter

Stay updated on the upcoming changes and City Council decisions to land development codes and housing developments in Austin as well as how to get involved.

Public Testimony Speaker Guide

More information about how to put your best foot forward for the public input sessions on the Spring 2024 Land Development Code Amendments and make your voice heard. Help us build a more connected and affordable city by sharing your story.

HOME & ETOD Social Graphics

What will Change?

We need all types of Housing for all Austinites… in Austin.

  • Smaller lots for smaller homes in all neighborhoods

  • Homeownership at a more affordable price point; less land means lower cost

  • Teachers, nurses and public safety workers can live and vote in the communities they serve

Housing Solutions to Prevent Displacement

  • Relief from gentrification pressures on existing residents

  • More housing near public transit and protection existing tenants

Economic Mobility and Environmental Sustainability

  • Boosts housing near rail transit lines for walkable neighborhoods and reduced traffic congestion

  • Expands access to quality jobs and removes the financial burden of car ownership

  • Reduces commute times and supports the city's efforts to recruit and retain a dedicated workforce

For more information on proposed Code Amendments check out the City of Austin’s Landing Page.

How will the proposed changes support our community?

For Homeowners

Creates options for a homeowner to house a family member or earn income to age in place and promotes walkable, connected neighborhoods closer to public transit.

For Homebuyers

Smaller lots, with smaller houses, creates more “starter homes” across the city to allow our teachers, nurses and public safety workers to live in the communities their serve and vote on policies that impact their livelihood.  

For Tenants

Housing near reliable public transit that supports the workforce boosting individual economic mobility with tenant protections to prevent displacement.

For Small Business Owners

Improves small business owners’ efforts to recruit & retain a dedicated workforce and creates opportunities for small business to thrive in walkable neighborhoods.

How will the proposed changes preserve Austin’s natural environment?

How does HOME respond to Climate Change?

HOME allows for smaller homes resulting in lower energy and water use. This change and further densification of Austin will help reduce the city’s emissions and slow urban sprawl while also promoting more public transportation projects like Imagine Austin and Project Connect.

How does HOME improve the Environment?

With a denser Austin, HOME aims to improve Austin’s air quality by getting commuters off the roads and using more alternative modes of transportation as well as preserving Austin’s natural habitats and green spaces through more efficient land usage and saving existing trees when developing new housing.

How will HOME promote Imagine Austin’s Goals?

By creating smaller and more diverse housing, like Mueller’s rowhomes or community-centric cottage courts, HOME aims to foster more connected and walkable neighborhoods across the city. It supports transit investments and efficient use of infrastructure to work towards Imagine Austin’s goals of a sustainable future for the city.

Phase 2 Council & Commission Info Coming Soon